Chasing the Wave

What is the wave or are you waiting for it to hit? Chasing the wave is going for the activity or sight that you are most seeking in life. As you go for what you’re most seeking, we often get the question of why should we be going for this when there are some other things we feel we should be doing in life. It’s very common for all of us to get the feeling or sometimes hear words from others encouraging us to not go for what they most desire.

Chasing the wave for me is finding the part of the ocean off of a beach in the world that I can surf which strikes me as the wave I’ve been longing for and will gain the thrill I’ve yet to see within life. I’ve been on the sand many times while researching the weather effects on the ocean patiently waiting for this wave I know I will see in my life. These waves from what I’ve seen in my research are in different parts of the world and so far all of the beaches I’ve visited in the US, Spain, Fiji, Australia, Italy, or Japan has yet to appear, so I feel this just gives me more encouragement to travel parts of the world to find what we are seeking and don’t hold back with the thoughts that we shouldn’t travel too much or far from our home.

Many of us love to find different thrills within life and definitely have to make sure we keep these thrills without too many dangers, but we all just live one life, so we have entertained happiness and enjoy things we are longing for in life. Examples of thrill-seeking include zip lining, sky diving, learning to swim in the ocean instead of a swimming pool, diving from a high point into water, going to a country where you don’t speak any of the languages, and more.

In life it’s funny when we come across someone who talks with us for a short time and then says that they can already see that our spirit will travel and go through all of the constraints to accomplishing our life goal and saw this myself with a friend who had only seen me two times before sharing this. I have a good friend who’s also chasing the wave and this is to find a new home location that she feels calls to her spirit making her feel that she’s in the right place amid her search. In life, there may also be an inspiration to completing the sought-after goal in our chase which is a wonderful realistic thing for us to see.

Chasing the wave can mean different things for everyone and isn’t always chasing a wave of water in the ocean, but definitely can include this. I’m chasing the ultimate wave in the ocean that I firmly believe I will find someday as long as I keep seeking it in different place and I shall ride this wave into what my heart, soul, and spirit desire.

by Thomas Libby (Boise, ID)

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